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fengjun3年前 (2020-12-03)md0018麻豆原创24


Flowers on the slope look like a group of yellow butterflies.(斜坡上的花朵看上去象一群黄蝴蝶)

Those red roses lying on you writing-desk quietly, are picked from the Garden of my mind.(躺在你写字台上的那些红玫瑰采之我心的花园。)

Undefiled orange flowers are blossoming in the forest.


The flower looks like an angel, unfolded in the wind, under the sun.



My favourite flower is (百合花)Lily. It is white in colour usually. It also have yellow, pink and red colour. It looks like a star. It grow up at China. I love Lily because it is fragrant and beautiful

我最喜欢的花是百合花。 这通常的颜色是白色。 它也有黄,粉红色和红的颜色。 它看起来象一颗星。 它在中国生长。



有很大的难度!!!但是我还是成功了!文章如下(英文)Structure of the flower Essence about the colored structure, more unanimous view inclines to regard the flower as abnormal short one shortenned among one festival, every part of the flower has general nature of the leaf according to shape , structure. It was poet , dramatist and naturalist of Germany Goethe (Goethe 1749-1832 ) that proposed this view at first, he thinks the flower is abnormal one that is suited to breeding function . This view has got the support of the fossil record and much systematic development and ontogeny evidence, and can explain the structure of most angiosperm flowers well , therefore continue to use so far. An intact flower includes six basic parts, namely the pedicel (pedicel), receptacle (receptacle ) , calyx (calyx ) , corolla (corolla ) , the stamen group (androecium ) and pistil group (gynoecium ). Among them the pedicel and receptacle are equivalent to the part of one, four other parts are equivalent to the abnormal leaf on one, Chang He is called the flower department (flower parts ). An four available flowers are called the complete flower (complete flower ), the ones that lacks among them let a part call the imperfect flower (incomplete flower ). Every part (such as calyx , corolla , stamen group and pistil group ,etc. ) and inflorescence of the flower are in the course of long-term evolution, have produced the adaptability variation of all kinds, therefore has formed various types. Shape in different poses and with different expressions form that structure spend, among about 250,000 kinds of angiosperm, there is 250,000 kinds of colored styles. But it is diagrammatic that all flowers still have common structure, their composition is usually: The part that the receptacle flower connects with stem , made up among festival and festival, the ones that grew the flower be able to be bred with sterile attached objects on festival. These section often because shortening and suppressing closely crowded and together among the festival, causing receptacles remarkably and out of shape, so, are not all very like stems on the form , size and structure. The receptacle is had sterile some (husks , sepals , petals ) grown but spiral ground or a round of dried rhizome of rehmannia is arranged together closely. While verticillating and arranging , between upper and lower wheels , often become alternative permutation. Some the same class organs of plant, can form two or many wheels such as the petal (heavy flowers), such as the heavy green peach blossom of one. The calyx is outside the most of the flower, other parts to the flower shield. Can divide several sepal into , similar to the leaf or husks very much on constructing in form. The green sepal contains chloroplasts, have air vent (device ) and epidermis mao on the epidermis storey, but seldom split up and go out of the bar to organize and organize with the sponge like leaf. In morphology , regard the calyx as a kind of leaf out of shape. The sepal generally becomes a form to arrange , but some primitive departments, for example Mao GenKe arranges for the spiral . They can become the form of the petal , or combine with petal degradating. The sepal is extreme while degradating, become thin tooth , scale , sting the hair or becoming small and protruding. After being fertilized, the calyx comes off or the constellation exists , the calyx that the constellation stores has important protective action on the development of the fruit. The corolla is within the calyx, the corolla can usually be split into the slice, is called the petal. The petal is generally bigger than the sepal, think in morphology the petal is a sexual organ of a kind of leaf too. Calyx and corolla is it spend quilt to claim jointly. Epidermis layer of petal go to , can have air vents and epidermis mao. Great changes have taken place for the size and form of the petal. Some are very old, some are quite tiny , even degradate into a scale , sting hair or various kinds of glands body. Corolla except having protective action, color and fragrant smell of the petal, have an important effect on attracting animals and pollinating. The corolla has various kinds of bright colors, because contain the pigment in coloured body and cell's liquid in the cell, influence that while receiving cells , various kinds of factors outside change. Some flower of anemophilous flower very obvious, green or almost colourless. Separate joint situation , underpart of the corolla and size shutting and becoming corolla tube according to the petal, such characteristics as the form and depth of and the lobe of a leaf of corolla ,etc., can divide the type of the corolla into : Tube-shape (the 。





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